In the online game Feudle, players must choose a secret word from a list of Google autocomplete choices. The game allows players six attempts to identify the word and provides visual feedback in the form of color-coded tiles to help players concentrate their predictions.
To begin the game, a player is given a search query that begins with a certain word. The player must correctly guess the term that Google autocomplete suggests in order to complete the search. The game comes with a set of tiles that represent each letter of the word. The horizontal line in which the tiles are arranged indicates the number of letters in the word. A set of letter tiles that are included in the game can also be used by the player to guess the word.
A letter inputted by the player may or may not be a part of the secret word, depending on the game. If the letter is correct, the game places it in the proper tile and highlights it in green. If the letter is wrong, the game highlights the tile in red. The game also demonstrates to players that their partial guesses were correct by painting the tiles yellow.
In this game, the player may guess the word up to six times. The game evaluates the precision of each estimate and adjusts the color coding of the tiles as needed. The player may use the feedback to narrow down the list of possible terms and make a better-informed decision the following time.
Overall, Feudle is a challenging and fun game that tests a player's linguistic and deduction skills. The game is freely accessible and playable in any web browser.
How to play Feudle
Using Mouse